Mike Glauser

Entrepreneur | Educator | Speaker | Consultant | Author | Coach

Featured in:


  • One People One Planet

    Mike Glauser

  • Main Street Entrepreneur

    Mike Glauser

  • Glorious Accidents

    Mike Glauser

  • Business of Heart

    Mike Glauser

About Mike


I received a Ph.D. from Purdue University in Organizational Studies. I have taught at the University of North Carolina, Westminster College and Utah State University. I have developed numerous courses in entrepreneurship, business strategy, management and organizational behavior. I have built two centers for entrepreneurship: The Institute for New Enterprise at Westminster College, and the Clark Center for Entrepreneurship in the Jon Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University. I have helped hundreds of students develop business opportunities, write business plans and launch companies.


I have launched and built successful companies in the retail, food service, consulting and educational industries. I am the founder and former CEO of Golden Swirl Management Company and the cofounder and former Chairman of Northern Lights. Under my leadership, our team created one of the first lines of frozen dessert products with no fat and low calories. We grew these two divisions into a multimillion dollar business with 500 employees, and then sold the company to Yogen Fruz International, a world leader in the frozen dessert industry. In 2010, I launched “My New Enterprise,” an online training company for aspiring entrepreneurs and business builders (www.mynewenterprise.com). Our company creates state-of-the-art programs for corporations, universities, direct selling companies and government agencies


I have worked with numerous clients from new startups to large corporations. I have consulted on a variety of topics including new venture creation, strategic planning, market research, corporate restructuring and leadership development. My clients have included Associated Food Stores, Boeing Airlines, Department of Workforce Services, Evans and Sutherland, Esso of Inter-America, FMC Minerals, Harmon Music Group, Kaiser Permanente, Kennecott Copper, Northwest Pipeline, Saudi Consolidated Electric Company, Jamberry Nails, Stampin’ Up, Syntek Global and USANA Health Sciences.


I believe entrepreneurs who have built successful companies are the best teachers of business building. Consequently, I have spent nearly two decades collecting oral histories from hundreds of thriving entrepreneurs across the country. I have documented the stories of Dave Neeleman, founder of JetBlue and Azul Airlines, Bill Child, who sold his business to Warren Buffett, and Jon Schmidt, cofounder of The Piano Guys. I have also interviewed some of the top social entrepreneurs in the world like Henri Landwirth, founder of Give Kids the World, Anthony Shriver, founder of Best Buddies International, Nancy Brinker, founder of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and Mimi Silbert, founder of Delancey Street, the most successful rehabilitation program in the world for convicted felons. I have used the lessons I have learned from these amazing role models in my speaking and writing.


I have spoken at numerous professional conferences including the Summit on Corporate Entrepreneurship, International Entrepreneurs Conference, iWorq Annual Convention, New Entrepreneurial Breed Conference, Jamberry Nails Leadership Meeting and the Annual DECA Convention. I have also spoken at many universities including Arizona State, Brigham Young, University of Maryland, Southern Virginia, University of Utah, Air Force Academy, University of Oregon, Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management, and others.


I have published numerous articles in magazines and three books on entrepreneurship: Glorious Accidents, The Business of Heart, and Main Street Entrepreneur, which introduces a proven roadmap for starting and building a successful company. The powerful practices presented were gleaned from interviews I conducted with 100 entrepreneurs during a cross-country bicycle ride from the west coast of Oregon to the east coast of Virginia. I rode 4,000 miles in 45 days, spent 246 hours on a bike seat, and visited more than 100 cities. The innovative entrepreneurs I discovered are masters at merging livelihood and lifestyle. They find a community they love, and then find something they love doing in that community to take care of themselves. In the process they are creating regional, national and international companies.

My latest book One People One Planet lays out a clear path to help us all increase our happiness and live peacefully on this planet. The six universal truths presented are gleaned from the founders of the great world religions, world-renowned philosophers, and cutting-edge research in the field of positive psychology.


I regularly speak at conferences, seminars, corporate events, schools and universities. I teach powerful business concepts, support these principles with inspiring stories from remarkable entrepreneurs, and show participants how apply these practices in their own organizations. I always try to do more than just give a great speech. My goal is to motivate audience members to make positive changes in their attitudes and behavior that will improve their careers and lives. Here are some of my favorite topics:

The Keys to Entrepreneurial Success

In this presentation, I teach the key practices for building a successful new business. I draw from the hundreds of interviews I have conducted with thriving entrepreneurs across the country. When these key practices are applied in new and growing ventures, the probability for success goes up dramatically. When these factors are absent, the chance of failure is high. Participants learn how to evaluate the viability of their business ideas, reduce the inherent risks involved, plan their development strategy, and improve their chances for successfully launching a new venture.

Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Corporation

Entrepreneurial leadership is very different from traditional corporate management. In this presentation, I compare and contrast the two leadership styles and teach participants how to apply entrepreneurial leadership in their organizations. As the founder and former director of the Institute for New Enterprise in the Gore School of Business, I discuss how W.L. Gore and Associates has become one of the most innovative, multi-billion dollar corporations in the world. I also present other examples of large companies that behave like small entrepreneurial firms. The key practices I teach help participants apply entrepreneurial practices to improve the competitive advantage of their company.

Creating Winning Products and Services

The environment for business continues to become more complex. The economy is changing constantly, new products abound, distribution channels are plentiful and competition is fierce. Successful leaders apply shorter-term planning that is opportunity driven. They continue to amend a “portfolio of products and services” based on feedback from customers, tactics of competitors, new technology and missing pieces in the marketplace. This tendency to diversify provides multiple streams of revenue and increases the chance for long-term sustainability. In this presentation, I show participants three effective approaches for creating new products and services that are used by highly successful entrepreneurs.

Providing Phenomenal Customer Service

Customers have expectations when they patronize a business. When these expectations are met, they are satisfied, but not always loyal. To win long-term loyalty, you need to exceed customers’ expectations, giving them more than they expect. When people receive service beyond their wildest imagination, they rave about it, tell all their friends, come back again and again, and even feel guilty if they support a competitor’s business. This presentation shows participants how to create customer service systems that perpetuate mind-boggling service with every customer who patronizes the business, regardless of who serves them. Audience members learn that “The Service is in the System!”

Improving Team and Company Performance

Job ambiguity is rampant in most companies. Research shows that leaders and their team members seldom agree on the key priorities for effective performance. In this presentation, I show participants how to create “profiles of success” that clearly define what exceptional performance means for any job. With this approach, leaders and their team members agree in advance on what being a hero means in the organization. Team members then have a clear path to becoming outstanding performers. This team leadership strategy is the most effective I have ever seen applied in organizations.


  • Determining the viability of opportunities

  • Creating new products and services

  • Evaluating possible channels of distribution

  • Creating a comprehensive growth plan

  • Building a powerful board and executive team

  • Creating marketing plans for launching a venture

  • Applying entrepreneurial leadership practices

  • Executing business strategies and objectives

  • Developing superb customer service systems

  • Producing strong results with fewer costs

I have worked with hundreds of startup companies and dozens of large corporations. Helping companies grow is what I do best! I can help you create a sound business strategy, develop new products and services, effectively implement your plans, and successfully expand your enterprise. Here is a list of specific services I offer and a partial list of clients I have served:



Let’s work together.